Supranational Local

In heart an element of desire stuttered 
Swept and wept but seized to be uttered 
Notions of high wings rustling the clouds
Valley and mountains nodding to the touts 

He who raises shall upraise the phoenixes 
Light and glares shall spread through spaces 
Yet so divine just humble to be vocal 
Transcendental supranational apropos local 

Airport airport

Believe me roaming around was fun 

I walked to the earth’s line before ages

Wonder now I circle from moon to sun

Don’t you see me in flying cages

Airport airport what you have me done!

Fathomed the distant unknown shore

So unknown was land but never alone

Thousands around with talks no more 

Giggles and quarrels just on the phone 

Airport airport what you have me done!

Ending Start

Is this the beginning with first breath out here,

Whispering the divine dark world verse.

Is this the end of beautiful journey from down there,

Hustled and jostled while locked up in tiny purse.

To begin, the traveler did not set the course,

For the landing somewhere edge of the world.

What a raft to float remote without force,

No age counts making a decision bold.

Dead leaf leaves and falls away from the tree.

Should the traveler remember his roots?

Bees return to hive even miles away they see.

Should he spend the final in the old woods?

Meet new suns and moons is how the life’s art,

With warm soil smells in the heart.

Change of Course and the Invictus Spirit

In this hour of self-isolation and social distancing, our soul is seeking a kind and soothing voice. And if we don't get it, we CREATE!

I can't believe that we didn't see it was coming to us, and it came with a surprise. We can call it a known surprise for the so called 'human brain' that is most intelligent natural machine.

This is the time when the outbreak of COVID-19 virus has halted the world by large. By now, we have witnessed the unforgiving nature of this disease. The world has stopped literally not for contemplating over the situation but to fight against the deathly blow. 

Yes, we have stopped acting to defeat something that wins when we act, move, and mobilize. This has shaken the inner peace of humans who had to isolate themselves in their own homes. They cannot be close to someone they care about or someone who care about them. This is a new punishment for the world where socializing has become virtual; where physical gathering and time spending is no longer required to be social.

However, this is not the first disease that attacked the world so badly, but this horrific episode is marked by the new way of staying alive. This will not be last time (I wish it was) when we are locked down), we have always come through as an imperishable soul. We had our bad days, we fought, we died, and we cried too, but we kept sailing through the unknown horizons.

It is the unconquerable spirit that keeps us alive in all that external and internal chaos. Let's not be suppressed by this menace. Social distancing has not stopped us from communicating and sharing emotions. People from across the world have found the way celebrating together by singing and applaouding the soldiers of humanity from their windows. Be it China, Italy, Spain, Iran, India or any country, people are showing their gratitude to the doctors and healthcare staff for fighting for us. They are out on the street so that we can be safe at home. They have courage to see in the eyes of death and bring back our friends to life again. Salute to everyone! We MAKE the sound of life, and we SING the music in honour of fighters.

Let's read out William Ernest Henley's poem 'Invictus' to boost our morale to be victorious again-
''Out of the night that covers me,
      Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
      I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
      My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
      Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
      How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
      I am the captain of my soul.''

Where Is The Friend’s Home?

“Where Is The Friend’s Home?”- It’s an Iranian film that depicts a simple account of a hardworking schoolboy’s quest to return his friend’s notebook for avoiding him to be punished by his teacher next day. The boy hunts down the entire village in search of his friend throughout a day. Why I am writing this today is because it took me back to my school days. I realized while watching this movie that I forgot to cherish the memories that made my childhood a bit thrilling and adventurous. This part of my childhood kept me walking most of the time.

When I was just a schoolboy, my friend and me were fond of wondering in the neighboring areas of our homes and school. Be it vacations or exams we always continued finding new ways for different play destinations- gardens, play grounds, play stations, game zones, and off course, a friend’s home. It was an adventurous task we used to do regularly- visiting any friend’s home (obviously, at distant place!) without telling him in advance that we would be coming to meet him. That was the core part of that stupid activity. Finding us at door step unexpectedly our Friend had to be shocked and overwhelmed.

Now days, we don’t hunt for a friend’s home because either we’ve got full address or they don’t stay in the city we live.  We don’t surprize them by suddenly dropping there suddenly because our message makes buzz before we ring the doorbell. Things have changed drastically, not slowly and gradually. We all did many crazy things like this in our childhood, and have stopped doing after we are out of school. Neither are we expected to do. Children do what they want; and when they are grownups they do what they are expected to do.

We were child, and now responsible people. This doesn’t make us forget the full of happening childhood that taught us by taking every day as a new adventure. We don’t need to be childlike, but what’s more necessary is to cherish that childhood to keep us young at heart, to keep us walking from one destination to another, and to keep us surprizing everyone around us.

Let’s walk! 

Finding the Right Way: Step by Step

Get the worst out of your site first, and you will have good options to choose. Decision making is considered as a significant factor among the best world leaders and management gurus. For almost everyone, it’s an everyday situation of “to be or not to be”. Asking suggestions from others without doing and pre-work on the subject will lead you to disarray. Therefore, doing a comprehensive study, gathering necessary details, feedback and finalizing the options are the basic tasks you need to do before seeking people’s suggestions.

I personally feel that when you are not sure what to choose or what to do (having no list of options), others will just add options more than your need unnecessary. Be it buying new mobile, camera, bike or car, you must do research on the subject matter. To decide something very important, getting an idea from someone will be definitely helpful. But asking many intellects may create chaotic situation. Different intellects may have diverse opinions with ample amount of examples and good logic to support their idea. At this stage, even after taking all suggestions you are surrounded by the multiple choices with no clue.
In this blog, I have discussed three steps before you directly seek others’ suggestions and idea. This could help you in resolving many complicated questions without being questioned by yourself again!
First step is to study the subject from both ends: your requirement (need/expectations), and the limitations of available source. Before mounting a heap of your necessities boundlessly, think about the limit point of sources and products. It’s not necessary that whatever you want should be available in market. Sometimes, it’s not possible to put all best gears and gadgets into a single package. They aren’t giving you everything as just what you expect; they want you to choose from the choices they are providing (sad part of the topic). Do a good study to frame your needs.
Secondly, gather all essential details regarding the product you want to buy. These details include pros and cons, user feedback, reviews, features, reliability and competitive analysis. These details will help you finding the perfect match for your needs. It will also make you aware of fake advertisements and biased opinions that misguide you by making you more confused.
Next, filtering the options based on the reviews and feedback. Use your conscience to sort the options taking into account your interest and needs, and feedback given by people who have enough experience of the product. The best way to sort out the best from the bundle of choices is to apply “odd man out” method. Using this theory you can easily eliminate options that don’t suit your interest. This helps when you have lots of choices in the same category. Therefore, instead of accumulating many suitable numbers, take out what is not fitting your condition.
Finally, limit the choices to maximum 3 numbers and throw them for other to suggest. Here, you may not get confused learning different views on the given choices as there are just three options. You can easily understand the best among them.

Study, gather data, filter, final the options and ask people to honestly suggest the best from your given options only. 

Chicken Pox Unlimited

Some things bother us sometimes, and some things bother us every time. There are some things that appear once in a lifetime, but will bother you every now and then for a long time. Unwanted elements are worthy to be highlighted till we realize their importance and unavoidable existence. But once “Unwanted” things are accepted, we need to walk through them towards the end if harsh reality with calm mind and firm determination.
I have learned this lesson from the galling experience of “Chicken Pox Episode” that lasted for almost a couple of weeks. Facing our own horrifying face is far more difficult than the spearing pain through the body. Eventually, I recovered from this gruesome experience and set back to routine life. I was left with chicken pox scars and marks making me upset every now and then I see my face. Then I started looking people with same predicament as mine. I used to ask almost everyone, “Have you ever had Chicken pox?” In response, got “Yes” from almost all of them. Actually, I was comparing my woes with others’. Then, I realized it does not matter how hard times you passed through if you learn to accept the harshness and walk with ease. That will soften the hones of coming Time.

We all have sorrows, woes and tragedies in our lives. We ought to live with them; we have to face the “scars”. What is left in our hand is to wait to wash away the “scars” and change the gear on right turn.

A Great Exit

A while ago, I came to know the death of an iconic man whose genius gifted us jaw dropping gadgets. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple is now no more physically in this world, but he will always been remembered for his landmark children-iPhone, iPad, iPod and many more. He will be missed for unimagined imagination he showed in his job. All this post death respectful condolence is a must part of each great personality who gifted the world through their genius.  Their lives are marked with a great exit, like we all know what happened with Steve a couple days before his death. 
A friend of mine got a SMS early morning stating the death of Steve Jobs. He was not aware Steve and his jobs. After reading some news articles, he said, “I don’t know who he was, but I feel uneasiness for something. It may be not for his death but for our death.” It was not so easy for me as well to understand what he meant. He was right, do we think about our exit from this world? Have you ever thought who will be missing your deeds after your death? Will you leave a heap of memories and gifts that will be cherished by your family, society, country and the world? 

Once you learn how to die, you will learn how to live.

The great personalities from Mahatma Gandhi to Nelson Mandela, from Swami Vivekananda to Einstein, their lives give a valuable lesson: live for a great cause and plan your life for success of the cause. When you live your life, plan how to live, deliver yourself before the world and exit the world. Here, in this world of immortality, your end is more important than your entry. Your birth is no longer considered to make you remembered even after your death. Your life will be counted for what have you done during the period you spent on earth. 

People are respected for their great tasks no matter whether they do it for themselves or for others. Many individual sports players played for their whole life. They played for their immense desire to play and enjoy the game, and they conquered greatest heights of success in their field. Some people dedicated their life for the sake of country and society. Their contribution finally caused some great inspiration, dreams and positive life lessons. This is the essence of great life. 

The following ancient Sanskrit saying précises the great truth of living a great life:

“When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice.

Just Do Eat

In life, everyone is bound to follow some values. The values may differ from one person to another, but we all are bound to a single universal principle. This is the discipline that nature has blessed us, and we all are proud to follow this heart filing rule- JUST DO EAT.

The moment you stepped into this world, you busted out loudly not for your mom but for the food. You just wanted somebody to help you filling your three inches stomach. From that day to the present moment, you are running, talking, toiling, fighting, and lying for the same noble reason knowingly or unknowingly. This run will go on for the rest of your life. Our happiest moment of every day is when we have stomach full tasty food at right time, right place and with right people. Off course, having good company while having our lunch, dinner or even breakfast is as important as the quality and variety of the food we are going to put into our baggage. Sometimes these things over take the food, as we experience this while having a cup of tea on a small road side stall with our near-dear friends, a late night Maggie with a hungry roommate and a small cupcake from the delicate hands of your cute baby.

We are born to eat, treat and greet. When we are happy, we wish to eat, then we give treats to others who are exceedingly happy to eat with us; when we all are happy to eat together, we greet each other for the treat we made memorable. These get-togethers and parties remain forever in our memory as a token of our unity for eating and our loyalty to the JUST DO EAT policy. I feel myself very lucky to have many eating loving people. We love to eat foods with different tastes and at different places. The Indian mythology focuses the importance of healthy food for not only healthy body but also healthy mind and character. Hence, we have now many reasons to eat, celebrate, and throw treats. Just go and eat.

Question Mark

In the world of dreams and imagination, you live with a universal thread that shadows your life inside out. Your aspirant soul is never tired of waiting. No matter where you are, how you feel now, how long you have walked or achieved greatest crowns in the world you still keep waiting, waiting and waiting…

Do you believe in Angels? Do you believe in God-omniscient, omnipresence and omnipotence? Do you believe in the definite end of this world? Would you support a national cause till your death? Will you hang your loved one for transgression?

Can you be sure if what you do, think and speak will go in right direction? Will you be able to serve the desired goal with pure heart and intellect?

If you are still busy in finding answers to these questions, you must have be ready with a contemplated answer for a dominant question-Do you believe in yourself?